
There's a sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing what you've written has benefitted others. It's a powerful feeling.

“Before coaching with Alex, I struggled with maintaining a work/life balance, always feeling tired and truly knowing the importance of self care.  Then Alex taught me that transformation starts by making myself a priority. The 3 most significant results I've experienced from coaching with Alex are change in my diet, incorporating exercise in my weekly schedule, and setting aside time for me to recharge weekly.What I loved most about coaching with Alex is her high energy, compassion and level of investment! She was there holding my hand every step of the way. She never judged or criticized me when I didn't complete an action step, but instead helped me view things from a different perspective. Alex helped me to overcome my limiting beliefs and encouraged me to reach my full potential. She was my biggest cheerleader and supported me all the way until the end!”

— Tiffany D.

“Before coaching with Alex, I struggled with my eating habits and pickiness with food. Then Alex taught me to recognize/honor my hunger and to let myself be curious about different foods and experiences. The 3 most significant results I've experienced from coaching with Alex are that I recognize my hunger, understand that I’m fueling my body and the magic plate to make sure I am eating whole meals. What I loved most about coaching with Alex is being able to work thru and gain more understanding about healthy eating habits. ”

— Amber A.

“Before coaching with Alex, I struggled with a lot of stress. Then Alex taught me that I have to trust myself, let go of self-judgement, and ways I can lessen the effect of my stress. The 3 most significant results I’ve experienced from coaching with Alex are that I can take productive steps towards my goals, I have more self awareness and love, and I disassociate myself from unnecessary environments that bring me stress. What I loved most about coaching with Alex is that her kindness and compassionate personality motivates me to become my better self.”

— Luz C.

“Where do I begin? Alexandria Dotson is a true gem! Yes, we are friends, but we never intertwined personal and professionalism into our sessions. I came to her with so many thoughts in my head and I was all over the place. I didn’t know where to start. She gave me the tools I needed an held me accountable to set a plan and execute them. There were some touching questions that had me a little stumped or resistant, but I cam through without injury lol. I have made tremendous results within 90 days and there’s so much more in store. If you are looking for a guiding light with such beautiful energy and clear directions… Alexandria is the one for you! ”

— Adria S.

“Before coaching with Coach Alex I struggled with figuring out how to show up for myself, and how to be consistent with ‘me-time’. Alex taught that there is always time for me on my never ending to-do list and gave me tools to make myself a priority no matter what. I have to say that working with Alex far exceeded any expectation I ever had. Saying yes to me, and enrolling in her program was the best decision I ever made. Alex is so compassionate, knowledgeable, and that firm kick in the butt I needed for the days I was falling off track. If you are in need of a coach to hold you to the highest vision and version of you possible and ACTUALLY help you attain that goal, don’t just walk but RUN to schedule an appointment with Coach Alex! She is truly a rare gem!”

— Julissa G.