Let’s work together!

Rediscovering YOU Breakthrough Session:

Are you ready to master being seen, heard and respected for WHO you are not just for what you can do or offer others? Are you tired of running around in circles doing “all the things,” yet still feel like something in missing in your life? Let’s talk!

I work with successful women of color who are sick and tired of wearing all the masks, juggling all the hats, and doing all the things for all the people, yet STILL feel disrespected in their lives, their relationships, and jobs. I empower YOU to command respect for your WORTH and NOT your WORK!

  • Transformation starts by making myself a priority.

    Tiffany D.

  • Coach Alex taught me to recognize & honor my hunger for more.

    Crystal E.

  • I can trust myself no matter what. It's time to let go of self-judgement for good.

    Tonya F.

  • Alex gave me the tools I needed, and held me accountable to set a plan and execute it.

    Anna H.

  • It's Okay to Reinvent myself at any age.

    Channel N.