Meet Coach Alex

Becoming a coach saved my life.

I have always been a type A, high-achieving, cram everything possible into my schedule, go-getting perfectionist. Feel free to raise your hand if this is you too!

The pattern of pushing myself to the limit started when I was a little girl and continued through my college years, and into adulthood as I ventured into entrepreneurship, owning and running my own successful catering company. The rush of meeting tight deadlines and orchestrating successful events fed into my belief that living under constant pressure was a sign of strength. Transitioning into corporate America, I carried this mindset with me. I took on more responsibilities and convinced myself that high stress was normal for “adulting” and I could relax on vacation.

Fast forward to multiple meltdowns over the years, and finally the global pandemic. Contracting Covid-19 was my wake up call. I was forced to confront the toll my lifestyle had taken on my physical and mental health. Looking in the mirror, I saw a person I no longer recognized—a shell of who I used to be.


That moment ignited a fierce desire for change within me. I embarked on a profound personal transformation journey determined to reignite the light within me that had been nearly snuffed out. I immersed myself in self-care, dove head first into self-help literature, embraced meditation and yoga, and pursued formal education as a certified Master Transformational Health & Life Coach. I now have a set of powerful tools that allow me to move through each day with more grace and ease when confronted with the inevitable challenges and daily stressors that we all face. And because this has made such a positive difference in my life, I’m thrilled to now support my clients in creating their own up-leveled version of themselves. 

I believe that every individual has the power to transform their lives and create lasting change. 

As a Master Transformational Life Coach, I help my clients rediscover themselves, get clear on what they actually want, regulate their inner dialogue and emotions, and own their power. Through the programs I’ve created, I guide women of color across the globe on their own journeys of self-discovery, empowerment, and resilience. I combine my personal experiences, extensive knowledge and training plus coaching expertise to provide a holistic approach that addresses physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. My goal is to support women of color in living their best lives, embracing their authentic selves, and finding true fulfillment.

If you're ready to embark on your own journey of transformation and live a more fulfilling, joyful, and authentic life, I invite you to schedule your complimentary Rediscovering You Breakthrough Session HERE. Together, we will unlock your true potential and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires and aspirations.