Resilience UNleashed!

A 6-month program for women to embrace ALL parts of themselves and command the respect they deserve.

If you have started and stopped your self-love/ self-healing mission more times than you can count, and keep falling short on your new year’s resolutions, now is your time. Learn to embrace all parts of YOU in order to silence your inner itty bitty shitty committee once and for all. Take back the keys to your life and get the tools to command the respect you truly deserve and bridge the gap between faking the funk of daily life and living and thriving in the life of your dreams–permanently.

This Program is for you if:

  • You are ready to focus your emotions for good to finally get the life and respect that you’ve been longing for.

  • You are ready to have the tough conversations with yourself to forever heal those deep wounds you thought you would carry forever and shift limiting beliefs and “truths” in order to start living your best life!  

  • You want to experience life without being held back by guilt, shame, or someone else's dreams and desires by putting yourself first. 

  • You are ready to be fully grounded with all the parts of yourself to know without a shadow of a doubt what your next steps are in pursuing your purpose. 

  • You are ready to feel and be inspired by the life you manifest in the next 6 months and beyond! 

This 6-month experience is custom-tailored for you and designed around the following core components:

  • Tell The Truth, Shame the Devil:  The first step in this journey is acknowledging what you want. Together we will map out a vision for your life in order to get clear on where you are, and where you want to be. You will discover new mindsets and tools that will allow you to be comfortable getting what you want without the guilt or superwoman complex kicking in.

  • Say Yes to You: Gain valuable tips and techniques that grow and expand on your self-worth through next-level mindsets and techniques that empower you to regularly say yes to yourself and your desires!

  • New Year, New Me: Step into your power and learn how to let go once and for all of the itty bitty shitty committee through advanced identity work and acceptance of your God-given power. Dive deep into learning your triggers and breaking through old habits that perpetuate unfulfilling results. Finally understand what’s getting in your way of being and feeling like the YOU of your ancestors’ wildest dreams, and how to overcome those obstacles. 

What’s Included:

  • Look at me, I’m the Captain Now: Create a roadmap for getting what you want and begin taking aligned action in order to own your power and achieve your goals. You will have new perspectives and tools to face old challenges that inevitably come up in order to increase your resilience and decrease your stress response to triggering situations that are not in alignment with your bigger goals. 

  • Know Your Worth: Become a master at owning your power, time, energy, and worth by setting boundaries that are in alignment with the life you’ve been curating, while honoring meaningful relationships through advanced mindset techniques. Learn the secret to increasing your productivity without burning out. 

  • You 2.0: Retire your superhero cape, and begin living the life of your dreams. Start taking consistent inspired action that gives you the freedom to enjoy being unapologetically you in a life you love waking up to. 

  • Dream Bigger: Establish concrete, repeatable steps and actions that allow you to realize fantastical dreams that light you up from the inside out.  Create a reality that celebrates you, and allows your new normal to springboard you into new and bigger possibilities without old limiting beliefs stopping you dead in your tracks. 

  1. VIP Day: This day is all about YOU! We will celebrate you beginning with a delicious meal, a day of pampering from the inside out, and some fun, loving, and gentle rediscovery of the inner you that is welcomed, cherished and revered! You’ll leave this experience invigorated, inspired and ready to begin your 6-month journey.

  2. One 2-hour Kick Off Session: During our 1st call together, we will uncover where you are feeling stuck or held back and you’ll experience the freedom to feel into the next chapter of your life. We will set new goals and create tangible strategies that set you up for inevitable success. 

  3. 3 monthly 90-minute 1:1 Resilience Unleashed Coaching Calls: In these powerful sessions we will dive deep with specially tailored experiential learning exercises that acknowledge and break through any old limiting beliefs that are holding you back. We will celebrate your growth, and get you set up to execute and enjoy the dream life you are creating so you’ll leave each session aligned and confident in your next perfect steps.  

  4. Six Integration Weeks: This is the time to put all that we have worked on together so far to use. You will have this time to try out some new habits and mindsets, and to notice the shifts that have taken place, as well as areas where we may need to refocus our attention during our sessions in order to become fully aligned with your new reality.

  5. Curated worksheets, templates & other information: This information is specifically designed for you to dig deep on your inner work to maximize the identity shifts that are happening both inside and outside of our sessions.

  6. Guided Meditations & Journal Prompts:  These individualized-for-you tools are designed to support exactly where you are in your journey and stretch you even further.     

  7. Email, text and phone access:  For those quick celebrations or questions that may arise between our regular calls.

sometimes the biggest leap of faith is the one you take for yourself not knowing just how delicious the end result will be.