Transformational Life Coaching for Grown Ass Women

Our time has finally come to cast off our Super Hero Cape and reclaim our time, our bodies, our identities, and our lives.

Welcome To The Revolution, Sis!

  • Are you ready to know and own your internal & external worth?

  • Are you tired of playing the game of respectability politics at work and faking the funk at home with lovers, friends and family?

  • Are you tired of doing everything for everybody except yourself and still not getting the respect, recognition, or admiration you crave and deserve?

  • Do you constantly hold emotional space for others yet wonder who and when will someone do the same for you?

  • Are you ready to master being seen, heard and respected for WHO you are so ALL of your needs are met?

I work with successful women of color who are tired of “wearing all the masks” and doing all the things yet still feel disrespected in their lives, relationships, and jobs. I empower them to command respect for their worth and NOT their work.

Schedule your complimentary Rediscovering You Breakthrough Session HERE if you’re ready to clear out whatever has been stopping you from living your even better life!

  • I curate experiences for my clients to stand firm in what they want and command the respect they truly deserve. Let me help you discover how to overcome your fears and start living your even better life!

Rediscovering   You  Breakthrough   Session

The complimentary Rediscovering You Breakthrough Session is YOUR time to come on over to my judgement free virtual room, grab a cup of tea, lemonade, or something a little stronger, and get real about where you are, where you want to be, and how to get you there!

During this 20 minute call you will:

  • Finally put yourself first on your never ending TO-DO list.

  • Discover the secret to commanding respect from others based on your God-given worthiness NOT your workmanship.

  • Become crystal clear on what you really want out of this life.

  • Identify tangible and powerful actions that will move you towards accomplishing your deepest dreams and desires.  

  • Determine the #1 thing stopping you from “having it all” and waking up in your dream life. 

You will complete this conversation with the excitement of knowing EXACTLY what to do next to experience the life you truly want and become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

And…if it feels like a natural fit, we can explore what it would look like to work together! 

“Before coaching with Alex, I struggled with a lot of stress. Then Alex taught me that I have to trust myself, let go of self-judgement, and ways I can lessen the effect of my stress. The 3 most significant results I’ve experienced from coaching with Alex are that I can take productive steps towards my goals, I have more self awareness and love, and I disassociate myself from unnecessary environments that bring me stress. What I loved most about coaching with Alex is that her kindness and compassionate personality motivates me to become my better self.”

— Luz C.

  • “You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings”

    Elizabeth Gilbert, author “Eat, Pray, Love”



    It all starts by learning how to focus on what you want.


    Next, you’ll reflect on what may be blocking you, and learn how to overcome these obstacles.

  • Refine

    The last step? We learn how to continually refine what we’ve learned. Think of this as your new normal.


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